Enchanting MUNNAR

We have been thinking to visit Munnar for it's enchanting landscapes and of course to capture some Macro photographs esp during our herping sessions.

This is all about how we have planned and executed our trip along with our experiences through out.


We have planned this trip two months before, Me and my cousin planned it in such a way that I drive my car all the way to Munnar while he joins the trip at Coimbatore. So we made Coimbatore our pit stop for the TO and FRO journey. We completed all our bookings in Booking.com one month before our actual trip.

  • I drive from Bangalore to Coimbatore on 27th Sep and reach Coimbatore by afternoon. While my cousin lands in Coimbatore on the same day evening.

  • We have booked IKON by Annapoorna for the 27th night stay as it is near to GD Car museum and we did not have any idea about the Coimbatore traffic.

  • Visiting Car Museum for an hour on 28th Morning and have an early lunch at Coimbatore before starting to Munnar.

  • Booked KTDC Tea county for our stay in Munnar. As per google rating it is a decent place to stay and have good food options, in fact some reviews say that food won't be that great. I even had some personal suggestions to avoid KTDC as it might be poorly maintained being a Government one and all. However we really liked the property pics posted in google and Booking.com. Our priority was a good stay, we can always find some other options for food, bearing this in mind we finalized KTDC Tea county for our 5 day stay in Munnar.

  • Resplendent Experiences run by Hadlee Renjith has got five out of five ratings in google. I checked out Renjith's Insta profile and realized that this would be the right one for our herping sessions at Munnar. We contacted Renjith and booked his services for 5 days straight during our stay.

  • We booked Fairfield by Marriott for 3rd-Sep night stay in Coimbatore during our return journey thinking this should be the best hotel near Airport in Coimbatore.

  • I drive back to Bangalore on 4th-Sep while my cousin flies back to Hyderabad on the same day.


Day-1 (27-Aug-2022) - Drive to Coimbatore from B'lore.

I started at 6AM in Bangalore with an intention to reach Coimbatore by noon and take good rest in the hotel and pick up my cousin from Airport if everything goes as planned.

Stopped for my breakfast at around 8:30AM after Hosur at A2B restaurant. It was damn crowded and it took an hour to complete my breakfast. Not a good place to stop for breakfast if you are looking for a quick one esp during peak hours. Stopped at Saravana Bhavan after Salem for an early lunch (12:30PM) and to try Jigarthanda (famous local desert). Jigarthanda was really tasty. Reached outskirts of Coimbatore by 13:30, Fueled up my car and entered Coimbatore traffic. I realized that google maps doesn't work properly in Coimbatore as it took me through all possible wrong ways before I myself identified the correct route and reached destination by 4PM. It was raining heavily too, however hotel guys are sensible enough to understand my situation and offered help to park my car and took all my luggage till reception from the car, I was carrying too much luggage.

I was already feeling bad about Coimbatore and didn't had any hope for a decent stay after looking at the traffic, however IKON by Annapoorna was a real relief as their hospitality was top notch and rooms were big and comfortable. I took a quick shower and messaged my cousin to take a cab from Airport to hotel.

Day-2 (28-Aug-2022) - GD Car Museum and drive to Munnar

G D Naidu Car Museum was definitely not an hour visit for us, In fact we can write a separate blog for the museum alone. We could have spent a whole day there if there was time, however our plan was to have lunch and leave, as we want to reach Munnar before it gets dark. Now I have decided to drive at night, so left GD Museum at 2PM and had our lunch at Bird on tree Restaurant and started to Munnar at around 3PM from Coimbatore. (all the shots in the GD car museum are taken with iphone-7)

We stopped after two hours of drive and clicked some shots on Yashica-A, there are three forest check-posts and the Kerala guys collected 50/- for nothing to let us through, I drove in the Ghat section till 9:15PM to reach KTDC Tea County. Drive was tough and there was thick fog at few places which made my drive even more challenging. Tea county guys were waiting for us and they offered us help to settle down in our rooms and asked us to order dinner immediately. After having a tasty dinner, we were excited to test our camera rain gear, so we have taken them out and started clicking some pics till midnight 1AM around the property.

Beddomii Frog Speies @ property.

Canon 6D Markii - Canon100mm macro - F8-ISO200-1/180

Day-3 (29-Aug-2022) - Midnight photo session around the property and our first Herping session at evening:

After 1AM, even though my cousin has already encountered a leech on his palm, we were neither afraid nor tired and not willing to go back to bed. As we have a hectic day ahead and I drove all the way to Munnar, we went to sleep around 2AM and I woke up at 6AM, can't wait to experience early mornings in such a beautiful place.

The view in the corridor in the morning was breathtaking, the Munnar town with cloudy hills in the background blew my head off. One of the best view you can wake up to.

At morning we started capturing some flowers inside property and after a while we noticed that there is a botanical garden nearby and went there to check it out.

Garden is pretty new, in fact many sections are still under construction or under renovation. I clicked few flowers here and it rained for a while and by noon I was too tired to keep my eyes open due to sleeplessness from past two days. I was just waiting for my cousin to come back so that we can have our lunch real quick and take rest at the room.

We had tried Lunch in a local restaurant outside and realized that KTDC serves best food of all, so we have decided not to have food anywhere else except in KTDC Tea County. Rooms are so damn good that we feel refreshed as soon as return to the room even before taking rest. We were waiting for Hadlee Renjith to discuss about our herping sessions, he came at around 5PM and introduced us to Matthew from his team who will be guiding us on all our sessions here in Munnar. After a lot of thought process we have decided to go to herping at 6:30PM.

Call of Sushils Bush Frog.

Canon 6D Markii - Canon100mm macro - F10-ISO1600-1/180

I recorded my first ever calling shot of a frog in the first fifteen minutes of our session. We did not find much for the next 30 min as were going down the hill along the cardamom plantations. It started raining heavily all of a sudden as we were already prepared for it, we continued our walk in the rain. The next interesting sighting was the False Malabar gliding frog and a green-eyed frog and of course the target species of the day was the Malabar gliding frog Juvenile which has a very interesting pattern like a tiger stripes all over it's body. At one point it was a heavy down pour and we continued testing our rain gear. we identified that the camera is getting wet inside due to the precipitation, we need to design a rain cover which allows free air flow along with rain protection. which is my next DIY project before our herping session.

Green eyed Frog - Juvenile.

Canon 6D - Canon100mm macro - F6.3-ISO800-1/180

Juvenile of Malabar Gliding Frog

Canon6D - Canon100mm macro


False Malabar Gliding Frog

Canon6D - Canon100mm macro


Meowing night Frog

Canon6D - Canon100mm macro


Elliots spiny lizard

Canon6D - Canon100mm macro


Due to heavy rain we called it a day and returned back to the resort at around 9:30PM, had a tasty and hot dinner before un-packing ourselves from the rain gear. Re-arranged everything in our room took bath and went to bed.

Day-4 (30-Aug-2022)

We took a good rest before starting another herping session at 6:30PM today. While I went out to the Eravikulam National park in the morning, it was a foggy day and we found nothing in the park except few birds and a leech, returned to the resort by noon and had a decent lunch before taking rest at afternoon. In today's session our target species was Star-eyed frog and may be the large scale viper if we are lucky enough, in fact my target species in this trip was Vine snake as I was fascinated by it from past many years. Renjith said we will be going to locate Vine snake in the grass lands tomorrow and that too if we are lucky with the rain as Vine snakes come out to bask in the Sun and it's raining heavily everyday here. So for now the hopes are very less for Vine snake too. At this point I was hoping to capture at least one snake in this trip. We drove a long way towards the National Park and parked our car on road side in pitch dark. On the way we met Renjith's team trying to locate elephant on the tea plantations but it was already dark to capture it. We started walking towards a tea plantation in the dark with our head lamps on and it was raining heavily as always. We have to cross a small stream road side and Matthew started tracking Star-eyed frog. We got few shots of star eyed frog and Nilgiri frog species and we were walking into knee deep mud with lots of leeches on our dress. After capturing two species here and walked back into the tea plantation through the water stream. After coming back to the car, my cousin and me were helping each other to get rid of leeches that were trying to climb up till face over our rain suit, after almost 30 min of struggle, we made sure that we are free from leeches before sitting in the car and started driving towards yesterday's location.

Juvenile of Large scale viper

Canon6D - Canon100mm macro


Bush Frog

Canon6D - Canon100mm macro


Beddomii Species

Canon6D - Canon100mm macro


Star-Eyed Frog

Canon6D - Canon100mm macro


We found a Beddomii species frog and few others and a Large scale viper on top of a tree which is almost impossible to capture. After searching for almost 30 min we found a Juvenile of Large scale Viper and this is the first snake sighting in the trip. I was very happy to capture it and after taking decent amount of shots we pre ordered our dinner and had it in our room at midnight after getting rid of leeches that were on our suits outside the room. It was another tiring day and was overwhelming with lots of leeches all over. We couldn't get rid of leeches from our mind, we wanted to make sure that we were not getting any leeches into the room, ensure we are clean before going to bed.

Day-5 (31-Aug-2022)

Today is the off-roading day, Renjith(Resplendent Experiences) has planned a ride for us in an off-roading vehicle to a peak of 1500mts, capture some landscapes on the way and search for the most beautiful Vine snake and the Resplendent frog species in the grass lands up there. The ride was adventurous and bumpy. It was a total of 16km off-roading in the vehicle, we were surprised by the capability of Mahindra Commander vehicle handling the bad roads. We had photographed some interesting landscapes on the way with mobile phone, it's almost impossible to capture with camera during a off-roading drive.

It was a 20 min walk to reach the grass lands and we started searching for the two species that we came for and first we spotted a Vine snake (Brown), which was even better for me as I never saw a brown one before, Vine snakes usually appear in green color. First of all, I am very happy that I got the one that I wanted to capture here. I started taking multiple shots of the Vine snake, luckily, I got a one on one macro shot too. After that we spotted a Resplendent frog.

Gunter's vine snake

Canon 6D and Canon 100mm


Resplendent Shrub Frog

Canon 6D and Canon 100mm


I felt like the actual beauty of the frog can never be shown in the photographs we took, it's a tiny, colorful, calm and one of the beautiful looking frog. After capturing these two subjects we had our lunch and started back to Resort. We are too tired for the day because of the bumpy and long ride. We found few lion faced monkeys on the way back. We had some tea at evening in the resort and took rest for the day after our early dinner.

Day-6 (1-Sep-2022)

Canon 6D mark ii - Samyang 14mm

F8 - 1/125 - ISO200

Canon 6D mark ii - Samyang 14mm

F8 - 1/125 - ISO200

Canon 6D mark ii - Samyang 14mm

F8 - 1/250 - ISO200

Canon 6D mark ii - Samyang 14mm

F8 - 1/250 - ISO200

Whistling Thrush - Juvenile

Canon 6D - Tamron 150-600mm

F6.3 - 1/320 - ISO2500

Woke up early in the morning, not at all in a mood to go for a ride in the morning, so I took out my Tamron lens to capture the Whistling Thrush that keeps calling in the morning everyday. I kept following the bird till I got a decent shot of it feeding on moths. We went out for a ride late in the morning to capture some landscapes and had a late lunch at the resort. It started raining heavily in the evening, DIY rain cover for my camera was working better than I expected. We had driven for more than 30 min and stopped on the roadside to capture few colorful eyed frogs. It was a heavy downpour here again, but luckily we are on the road so no problem of leeches anywhere near. We were listening to the calls of frogs to spot them and captured few. After a while we started to another location to locate Jayarami species.

Whistling Thrush

Canon 6D - Tamron 150-600mm

F6.3 - 1/250 - ISO320

Uthaman's reed bush Frog - Canon 6D Mark ii - Canon 100mm macro

F6.3 - 1/125 - ISO200

Raorchestes Chlorossoma Bush frog - Canon 6D Mark ii - Canon 100mm macro

F6.3 - 1/125 - ISO200

Kadalar swamp frog - Canon 6D Mark ii - Canon 100mm macro

F6.3 - 1/125 - ISO200

Raorchestes Beddomi bush frog calling Canon 6D Mark ii - Canon 100mm macro

F6.3 - 1/125 - ISO200

Griet Bush Frog - male - Canon 6D - Canon 100mm macro

F5.6 - 1/125 - ISO200

We were able to listen the calls of Jayarami frog in the tea plantations but we couldn't locate it. Meanwhile we located a female Griet frog first then followed the call of a male and located male too. It was tricky to capture the call of Griet, we couldn't get a decent one and the intensity of rain has increased while leeches were all around us as always. So we called it a day and retuned to resort after taking the normal shots of a Griet frog. Our rain suits were muddy and dirty, so we cleaned our rain suit first in the common restrooms of the resort and had a satisfying dinner before we kicked the bed and call it a day

Griet Frog - female - Canon 6D - Canon 100mm macro

F5.6 - 1/125 - ISO200

Last day in Munnar (2-Sep-2022)

Leaf Beetle - Canon 6D mark ii - Canon 100mm macro - F5.6 - 1/160 - ISO400

Epilachna - Canon 6D mark ii - Canon 100mm macro - F8 - 1/250 - ISO1250

Honey Bee - Canon 6D Mark ii - Canon 100mm macro - F8 - 1/800 - ISO800

Dew Drops - Canon 6D Mark ii - Canon 100mm macro - F4.5-1/125-ISO100

Being the last day for photography in Munnar, we thought of making the most of it, I started capturing macro inside the property and after a while late in the morning we went out for a drive towards Kundala dam, hoping we may spot some wild elephants and some landscapes on the way. We went till eco point clicked some landscapes and on our way back to resort we saw a group of people standing on the side of the road and we immediately spotted the wild elephants grazing, we jumped in excitement and changed the lens in a hurry and ran to capture elephants. There was a lot of crowd and some people are behaving like monkeys while we were completely into capturing the elephants.

Eco point - Canon 6D mark ii - Canon 50mm - F10 - 1/800 - ISO320

Kundala Dam - Canon 6D mark ii - Canon 50mm - F5.6 - 1/1000 - ISO100

Wild Elephants - Canon 6D Mark ii - Tamron 150-600mm-F10-1/320-ISO320

Wild Elephants - Canon 6D Mark ii - Tamron 150-600mm-F10-1/320-ISO2500

After shooting elephants, we returned to resort and had a late lunch by 3PM. Today being the last herping session, we thought of searching for Jayarami bush frog along with Large scale viper if possible so that we can end this trip with a sense of satisfaction. After capturing the calls of Griet frog and Jayarami Bush frog and normal shots of few other frogs we headed towards the spot where we found Large scale viper on the second day and to our surprise we found a Large scale viper in the bushes, we have taken some decent shots with it's tongue out, spent some time with it noticing it's movements and all.

Call of Jayarami Bush Frog- Canon 6D mark ii - Canon 100mm macro

F10 - 1/180 - ISO100

Juvenile of Jayarami Bush Frog on the Flash - Canon 6D Mark ii - Canon 100mm macro-F10-1/320-ISO100

Large Scale Viper - Canon 6D mark ii - Canon 100mm macro

F9 - 1/180 - ISO100

Large Scale Viper - Canon 6D mark ii - Canon 100mm macro

F9 - 1/180 - ISO100

We took some good poses of the viper and called it a day. We thanked Matthew for his wonderful support through out the trip and said our Good-byes to Hadlee Renjith for the awesome herping experiences during our stay in Munnar.


Woke up leisurely and had a good breakfast, Packed all our stuff and went out for some spices shopping in the day. Stuffing the luggage in Tiago car is a task as we had lot of luggage with us. We somehow managed to stuff everything and relaxed for a while, payed all our dues and had a heavy lunch. Started driving back to Coimbatore at around 2PM, it was raining heavily during the downhill drive and the roads were not wide enough, so the drive was tricky but I drove back to Coimbatore without any breaks. We reached Coimbatore by 6PM. As always google navigation doesn't work properly in Coimbatore and it took us into a wrong way, however we managed and came out of it without much difficulty and checked in to Fairfield by Marriott. We took a refreshing bath and went for the dinner (pre-booked buffet). The rooms are quite small and felt congested, this was the costliest hotel in the trip though, however there are no much complaints other than small rooms. The main reason to book this hotel is that it is just 5 min away from airport. We crashed into bed after our dinner and next day I drove back to Bangalore while my cousin flew away to Hyderabad.

No doubt we will visit sometime soon and will definitely get in touch with Hadlee Renjith(Resplendent Experiences) again.

On the whole this was an Enchanting experience in Munnar.